l 西北大学博士生导师
l广州市优秀专家 (享受政府特殊津贴)
l 广东省政府推荐决策咨询专家(省长顾问)
l 广州市政府旅游局顾问
l 广东省政府旅游局特聘专家
l “世界酒店联盟”暨“世界酒店领袖中国会”常务理事兼副秘书长l 广东十佳品牌酒店评审团评委
l 《酒店培训与服务》杂志客座编委
l 《酒店职业经理人》杂志客座编委
l 《侨乡旅游》杂志:顾问
l 美国康乃尔大学《康乃尔酒店管理季刊》
(Cornell Hospitality Quarterly)(SSCI)特邀审稿专家
l 英国《旅游管理》(Tourism Management))(SSCI)特邀审稿专家
l 全国工商联百名企业培训名师名家
l 广东开平市政府旅游产业发展高级顾问
l 河南栾川县政府旅游顾问
l 国家银领专家咨询委员会委员
l 广东第三产业研究会 副秘书长
l 广东工商管理研究会 常务理事
l “世界旅游遗产解说国际会议组织”国际委员会委员(美国)
l 西北大学 客座教授
l 华南理工大学 兼职教授
l 华南师范大学 兼职教授
l “中国翻译工作者协会”会员
l CT酒店管理顾问群资深董事
l 国内多家高星级酒店、度假村管理顾问
l 首届"中外酒店高峰论坛"特邀主讲嘉宾兼大会主持人
l 广东地区酒店总经理联谊会常务理事
l 被载入《世界名人录》(香港)
l 教育部国家级精品课程评委
l 浩升酒店顾问公司 董事 副总经理
教育背景1981-1985:浙江大学旅游系:酒店管理专业1985-1988:西北大学旅游系:酒店管理专业1987: 南开大学1990: 中山大学2002年,赴瑞士洛桑酒店管理学院考察、进修酒店管理2006年,赴加拿大多伦多大学进修双语教学另外,还曾先后赴德国、法国、荷兰等国访问学习旅游与酒店管理。工作经历2003.9----至今:院长、教授:广东金融学院,国际旅游与休闲管理研究院1997.3~2003: 副主任,教授 广州市财贸管理干部学院旅游系暨广州东方酒店管理培训中心总经理:广州才俊培训公司常务副总编:《酒店资源》(香港)杂志1996·9~1997·3:副总经理,北京长实国际酒店管理公司(中美合资)1996·6~1996·9:副总裁,广州侨美发展公司(主管属下之侨美食家、沙面吧、兰桂坊等中餐、西餐、酒吧餐饮企业)1994·6~1996·6:广州东方酒店管理培训中心(从事对来自全国各地200名酒店总经理、部门经理等的培训工作,主讲《酒店管理》、《酒店人力资源管理》、《市场营销》、《总台客房管理》、《旅行社管理》以及《英语》等课程。并应邀去广州、佛山、东莞等地的多家大酒店及酒店集团培训,提供管理咨询,指导酒店开业)1989·6~1994·6:西北大学旅游系 讲师1988·5~1989·6:总经理助理,协和大酒店 国际学术交流
· 以世界遗产组织国际委员会委员的身份,参加在澳大利亚举行的“第五届世界遗产大会”,并借此机会对澳大利亚旅游及酒店业进行了考察。
· 应邀参加在夏威夷举办的“第三届全球遗产解说国际会议-----携手发展高质量旅游业(The Third Global Heritage Interpretation International Congress----Joining Hands for Quality Tourism)”。本人为大会提交的论文被本届会议主席Gabe Cherem先生称为是非常“优秀的”。
· 1988年为来西北大学讲学的旅游管理专家、美国亚利桑那州立大学的Robert C. Mings 教授担任课堂翻译数月。
· 参加“1990年中国、加拿大国际管理会议”,并在大会上用英语宣讲了论文,受到来自世界各国与会代表的普遍好评。
· 应陕西省教委的邀请,为应邀来中国参观访问的“美国教授代表团”做了题为“改革对西部经济的影响”(Impact of Reform on the Economy of West China )的讲座(用英语),受到该代表团成员的热烈欢迎和高度赞赏。
作者与瑞士洛桑酒店管理学院董事长Marco Torriani先生在一起(日内瓦)(背景为Torriani先生亲自管理的欧洲最著名的商务酒店之一日内瓦东方文华大酒店)Prof. Liu with Mr. Marco Torriani(Director of the Board of the Ecole Hoteliere De Lausanne),in Geneva作者(右一)与美国休斯顿大学康拉德N.希尔顿酒店管理学院院长Alan T. Stutts教授(中)在一起Prof. Liu with Mr. Alan T. Stutts,former dean of the Hospitality Management School, Uni. Of Houston
Prof. Liu attending the Tourism Heritage Interpretation International Conference, Sydney, Australia
刘伟教授就修学旅游问题接受广东卫视采访GD Satellite TV Interviewing Prof. Liu on Study Tour Issues刘伟教授与广州市旅游局领导在一起 Prof. Liu (left), with Chinaman of the Canton Tourism Administration
· 《广州建设“全国旅游综合改革示范城市”政策建议》, 政府重大决策咨询课题 ,咨询报告受到广州市委书记的高度赞赏,并要求市政府加以落实。2015
· 《广东建设“全国旅游综合改革示范区”政策研究》, 广东省委省政府重大决策委托课题 (课题编号:2009204)2009, 课题负责人
· 《构建和谐广东的对策研究》, 广东省委省政府重大决策招标课题 2005 课题负责人
· 《做大做强广东旅游文化产业的对策研究》 广东省委省政府重大决策招标课题 2004 课题负责人
· 《广东第二、三产业发展水平、互动关系及发展趋势的国内外比较研究》,广东省第一次全国经济普查研究课题,2006
· 《以城市建设为突破口,构建广州旅游文化》, 广州市第十一次社会科学招标课题 2000(由广州市市长选定) 课题负责人
· 《广州市旅游业发展十五规划》 2000
· 以业内知名专家的身份,多次就国内旅游热点问题接受广东电视台、广东卫视以广州日报等媒体的采访。
· 作为饭店管理专家应邀为西安新闻大厦(一家五星级酒店—与日本合资兴建)翻译并审查了上百页的“贷款协议书”和与日本航空公司签订的“饭店管理合同”,对其提出了很多修改意见,并代表中方多次参加了与日方的谈判工作,受到主管部门和领导的赞扬。
· 应邀为中外合资建设项目“西安皇城”做可行性研究报告。
· 应邀担任“陕西’92中国友好观光年旅游行业职工服务技能大赛”英语导游组评委。
刘伟教授以旅游专家身份就我国黄金周问题接受广东电视台采访 Being Interviewed by the GD TV Station on the Golden Week Holiday Issues刘伟教授就银行卡“卡奴”问题接受广东卫视采访Being Interviewed by GD Satellite TV on Credit Card Issues on Campus
Liu Wei : Professor of Tourism and Hospitality
Aug., 2003~present: Professor , Guangdong University of Finance
Director, International Tourism Research Institute
Director and Vice President, Hotsun Hospitality Consulting
Manuscript Reviewer of the journal of Tourism ManagementManuscript Reviewer of the journal of Cornell Hospitality Quarterly Management, U.S.A
Editor, Professional Hotel Executive, Beijing
Mar.,1997~Aug. , 2003: Vice Dean, Department of Tourism,
Guangzhou Municipal Financial & Commercial Management
Institute Editor-in-Chief, Hotel Resources, Guangzhou,P.R.ChinaSept. ,1996~Mar., 1997: Vice General Manager, Sino-Us JV Beijing
Ever-trust International Hotel Management Co., Ltd.
Purchasing and Managing hotels for overseas listing
Jun.,1996~Sep.,1996: Vice president of Qiumei Development Corporation
Jun., 1994~Jun.,1996: Oriental Hotel Management Training Center, Guangzhou.
Jun., 1988~Jun.,1994: Northwest University,
Department of Tourism, College of Economic Management
Assistant GM, Concord Hotel in Xi’an
B.A. : 1985, Department of Economics , Zhejiang University(one of the top three universities in China ), Hangzhou
M.B.A. : 1988, Northwest University, Xi’an
A visiting scholar to Switzerland (Ecole hoteliere de Lausanne) and France.A visiting scholar to the University of Toronto, CanadaChosen as the most promising graduate student by Northwest University, attended, in 1987, the International Economics Guaduate Student Summer Session sponsored by the European Economic Community. studying International Finance , International Trade and Multi-national Firms with all the lectures given by the EEC specialists from England, Holand , Denmark and France. The program was cohosted by China National Education Committee and Nankai University in Tianjin, one of the most famous universities in China.
Hotel / Resort Management
Tourism Management
· Government Tourism Advisor of Guangdong Province
· Senior Tourism Development Consultant of Kaiping City, Guangdong
· One of the Ten Most Influential Tourism Professors in China conferred by the Ministry of Education,Journal of China Hotel and Asia Pacific Hotel Association
· Guest Professor at Northwest University.
· International Board Member of the Global Heritage Interpretation International, Canada.
· Research Fellow of the Board of Entrepreneur, China Management Science Academy
· Senior director of the CT Hotel Management Consulting
· Consultant of many star-rated hotels and resorts in China
· Permanent director of the Hotel GM’s Association in Canton, Guangdong Province
· Honored guest and key-note speaker at the International Hotel Management Summit Forum
· Editor, Hotel Training and Services, Beijing
· Permanent director of the council of Guangzhou Municipal Commercial and Economical Learned Society
· Member of the Travel & Tourism Association, Shaanxi Province.
· Member of the Travel Service Skills Assessment Committee of Shaanxi Province (International Tour Guide Group. The international tour guide we selected came out first in the national competition and was chosen as President Clinton’s Guide when the president visited Xi’an).
· Member of China Translators Association
2010: Made an exploratory visit to the U.S.
2006: Studied in the University of Toronto, Canada
2002: visiting scholar to Germany, Swiss, France and Holland.
1998: Congress Speaker at the 5th Heritage Interpretation International, Sydney, as the HII International Board Member (Far eastern zone)
1990: Participant of Canada-China International Management Conference. My
presentation of the paper was warmly welcomed by participants from around
the world.
1991: An invited participant of the third Global Congress of Heritage Interpretation International held in Hawaii, U.S.A.. My paper presented was highly appreciated by the chairman of the Congress.
1992: Went to Burma to examine the tourism development of that country.
1987: An international negotiator of a 4-star joint venture hotel project with
1984: Organizer of the 84’ Int’l Welding Conference and Welding Machine
Exposition held in Hangzhou, China .
1988: Interpreter for professor Robert C. Mings, a visiting scholar from Arizona State University, with whom I made a research and wrote an article on tourism development in Xi’an.
1987: Examiner and translator of a Loan Agreement drafted by a Japanese bank for a joint venture hotel project.
1990: Invited, as an economist, by the Shaanxi Provincial Education Committee togive a lecture (in English ) on the Impacts of Reform Policies on the Economy of China’s Northwest to a group of visiting professors and teachers from the U.S.
1992: Invited by the authorities of the Xi’an High-Tech Economic DevelopmentZone to make a Feasibility Study for a great construction project (with anestimated investment of US $ 200 m. The sum of capital needed was
intended to be drawn from abroad).
Have published so far 24 books, including
· Front Office Operations and Management, China Tourism Press, Beijing, 2009
· Housekeeping Operations and Management, China Tourism Press, Beijing, 2009
· Science of Tourismt , (2nd edition), Higher Education Press, Beijing, 2008
· Front Office Management and Housekeepingt, China Higher Education Press, Beijing, 2007
· Macroeconomics of Developing Countries, Shangwu Publishing House, Beijing, 1990 (the most famous publishing house in China)
· The 21st RGHCM Internantional Resort Management Model , Beijing , 2000. ( The first and best book in this field in China and most welcomed by resort managers and spoken highly of by prof. Alan . Stutts, dean of the Hilton Hotel Management School at the University of Houston, who wrote a preface to the book)
· The Science of Tourism , China Higher Education Press ,Beijing , 2003
· Housekeeping and Front-office Operations China Higher Education Press, Beijing, 2002 ( Text book for university students and graduate students .)
· HCM International Hotel Management System , Beijing , 1997.
· ( This book was praised by high ranking officials of the National Tourism Administration and spoken highly of by hotel managers and experts in the field.)
· A Dictionary of Tourism, Shaanxi People’s Publishing House, 1989
· Modern Hotel Management, Northwest University Press, 1991
· A Tourist Map of Yantai, Shaanxi Travel & Tourism Press , 1993
· The Science of Tourism, Northwest University Press, 1993
· A Tourist Atlas of Xi’an(English Edition), Shaanxi Ditu Publishing House, 1998
· The Operation and Management of Front Office, 1998
· Housekeeping, 1998
International Treatises:
“Strategies for China’s External Economic Development and Competition”
Canada-China International Management Conference Proceedings, Canada, 1991
“Emerging Tourism in China--the Case of Xian”
《Tourism Management》, London
“Approaches to the Establishment of an Effective Market Competition Relationship”
The Ten Year Economic Reform of China International Congress, Germany.
“Developing Tourism in Xian: Assets and Liabilities”
the Third Global Heritage Interpretation International Congress, Hawaii, U.S.A., 1991
“Development and Environmental Protections: Problems, Causes, and Countermeasures” the Fourth Global Heritage Interpretation International Congress, Sydney, Austra, lia, 1998
Domestic Papers (left out)
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